Dropbox not signing in
Dropbox not signing in

dropbox not signing in

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  • Select your name at the top of the screen.
  • Select the globe icon to be redirected to.
  • Select the Dropbox icon in your system tray or menu bar.
  • How to reset your password on the desktop app Your new password will automatically apply to any computers or mobile devices linked to your account. If the reset email isn’t there, try adding to your address book and then resending the password reset email.
  • If you don’t receive the reset email, check the spam folder of your inbox.
  • dropbox not signing in

    Check your email inbox, and select the link in the email you received to reset your password.Enter the email address you used to create the account.In the Password section, select Change password.Select the avatar at the top of any page.If you’re already signed in to, you can update your password in your account settings. How to change your password (if you still remember the old one) You can also try one of the methods below. If you can’t sign in to your Dropbox account, a quick way to reset your password is to visit the Forgot password page. As long as you remember your password, you can sign in to and change your password through your account settings.

    Dropbox not signing in